- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu Lesion Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- 3 Second Of Silence Songtext
- Amorphous Forms Songtext
- Begin / End Part I: Medley Songtext
- Begin / End Part II: Theme Of Strange Flowers Songtext
- Class 'A' Human Songtext
- Corale For Orchestra Songtext
- Interlude I: Theme From "L'eroica" Songtext
- Interlude II: Seeming Past / "L'intuizione" Songtext
- Interlude III: The Passage II / Young Woman's Theme Songtext
- Interlude IV: Recitativo Songtext
- Lento E Maestoso Songtext
- Lento E Maestoso Variazione N. II Songtext
- Life's Longing Moments Songtext
- Shadows, Shadows (Part I) Songtext
- Shadows, Shadows (Part II) Songtext
- The Man Who Winds Up The Clock... Songtext
- The Passage I Songtext
- Useless Thoughts Songtext