Prodigal Son Songtext


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Prodigal Son Songtext
There once was a poor man Whose back knew the value of money From dawn until dusk every day How he labored away Through sacrifice, thrift, and hard work He amassed a small fortune All so that he could provide For his family one day Now born to this man was a son Who would never know hardship Wanting for nothing He feasted on honey each day One day he set out in search Of an exciting adventure Discovered how quickly fools Squander their money away Oh, prodigal son You know not the value Of the money you wasted Long labors lost At incredible cost To the family You left behind you All gather ?round The prodigal son Who was lost has been found Ale will flow and astonishment grow As the prodigal son weaves his tales of woe We all know the story And heard of the big celebration Except for the fatted calf No one missed out on the fun In real life not all such reunions Are cause for elation Not everyone yearns the return Of the prodigal son Oh, prodigal son You know not the value Of the money you wasted Long, labor?s lost At incredible cost To the family you left behind you All shun the prodigal son Who squandered his birthright On the fruits that he tasted Now that the damage is done Your shame and dismay Is the minimum price you will pay!