
Questionable Observations
Corsets (I just can't get enough of) Glasses (I just can't get enough of) Pretty redheads I just can't get enough of Phillip (K.) Dick and Fame (just can't get any) Money (Just can't get any) thing I want Just can't get any Proper work done And I dunno, and I dunno Why the people who bore you And I dunno, and I dunno Always seem to adore you And I dunno, and I dunno Why I can't find traces And I dunno, and I dunnoOf interest in other faces SongtexteSo shocking, So shocking The way you've been talkingI somehow expected to be - nakedYou should knowI could be greatIf I cared enough to get my act straightNow is it you speakingOr have you been drinkingToo much to be able to say - Go away!First I must givea word of warningI'll feel worse than you in the morningRecognition (Just can't get any) Souvenirs (Just can't get any) Pats in the back Just can't get any Undeserved compliments And I dunno, and I dunno Why I'm so much more than themAnd I dunno, and I dunno Yet they're so ahead of me Aus Songtexte Mania