
Gyvybės Medis
Mirtis apkabina, ðaknis padabina, Gyvaèiø nuodais - praeitim pavaiðina, Uþgauta styga gilumon panardina, Gyvybe uþgimsta, ir mirtá graudina... Pradas be vardo, gyvybæ ávaldo, Pasivys atsilikusá kelià, Paþadins, prikels iðkerojusià giliai... Laðas po laðo per gyvenimà neða, Ðaknimis apsivijusá takà, Gyvaèiø nuodais patikrinsi galias... Gimsta á dangø, sakalo akys, Pamato, ðviesà neregimà, Palieèia tyliai - ðiurpas nupurto mane... Trokðta á virðø, rankos lyg ðakos, Atsispirs, nebelies þemës kojom Á rasà pavirs, kelias á þemæ sugryð... [English translation:] Tree Of Life Death's embrace, adorn the roots SongtexteA pact made with poison, a pact with the past, Echoes of bowed strings sink into the depths. A new life is born and death turns to tears... An unnamed principle takes hold of life It will engulf what remains of the path It shall awaken and bring life from the depths... Piece by piece it consumes the path, Entwined with brittle roots, Poison be your essence Born to the skies, in the eyes of a hawk See the light unseen Touch silently and chill my flesh... Longing for the heights, arms spread like branches Break loose from the earth underfoot, Forming dew, their path will lead back to the soil... Aus Songtexte Mania