
Close In A Lingerie Shop With No Front Window
This life is what you make it, hand is dealt so just take it thread your way through the web strive, feel, experience pain, loss, sorrow emotions that hurt, burn, blind strengthens or withers away, waste or be devoured self centered, just a pebble tossed in the stream so sure that in the end wrongs will be righted white lies told to you to make you feel more secure this is your wake up call close is a lingerie shop with no front window swept away by the mundane as your life passes you by will you say... you live with no regrets, have you left your mark i will not go quietly into that goodnight accept this curse you have to many thing unsaid and you should not be afraid though you walk this path alone through the dark was your life ever in your own hands lies, the sun still burns but the light has extinguished like your dreams crushed into oblivion never to return to life Songtextethis person cast away, goodbye my friend your gone... you taught... me to ... live life moment by moment like it's the last there are no reasons to dwell in the past I understand now there are few truths, one that I know is close is a lingerie shop with no front window Aus Songtexte Mania