
Root Of Ambiguity
Summoned into this dominion, to be imprisoned henceforth A place of unbound dimensions, land of disembodied souls Journey into darkness, perpetual horror it looms Flayed beings await, high, belest, to berefit soul. Beholding desolate visions, staring dismally, deformed miscreancies, stream by incessantly, severed hallucinations, of an impending woe, frighten impertinently, prelude to liquiseence. Esurient Flames erupt this soul Consuming corpses as they boil Venturing souls set ablaze, kindle the twilight enshrouded maze. Now somber eyes show umbrage. (A flaw for my dreams) [Solo: T. Fenech] Still alive but waiting to die, My soul strives to eternally lie Piercing, through flesh to compel, It's way out of this earthly shell. [Solo: D. Bugeja] Aus Songtexte Mania