Billy Bob Thornton

El Centro On Five Dollars A Day
The lawman said ?El Centro on five dollars a day? You must be dreamin' kid? How long did you want to stay, cause Son that's just the price of admission Are you out of your mind? If you wanna stay here, you damn well better listen (CHORUS) Cause you see son we got nine square miles of beautiful brown turf 0 murders per 100,000 and we could care less about the surf we're the center of a promisiing commercial region we got rotary and lions club, and damn good American Legion I said I'm just tryin' to get to the Golden State I hear there's jobs everywhere and the weather is great _______________ And He said ?Oh, I see you don't believe this is California I guess the folks back in where ever didn't warn you See, it ain't all swimming pools and movie stars You're lookin' for that place that may as well be Mars? You little shit Songtexte(CHORUS) And then he said ?We've got points of interest and good museums and golf but if you really want your heart broke we're just a little bit soft If I had a nickel for everytime I've seen your kind I'd be so rich I'd probably lose my mind? _________________ And I said okay I think I get what you're sayin It's that you can't always get what you want without payin, okay You see here Aus Songtexte Mania