Behind Enemy Lines

As Fascism Takes Root
Bow down to the demagogues They gain their power when they prey on your fears Bow down to the demagogues They keep their control by feeding your bigotry Bow down to the demagogues They keep you safe by denying you freedom Bow down to the demagogues They intimidate to discourage dissent When fascism comes to America It will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross As fascism takes root in America It is welcomed by the sound of thunderous applause Bow down to the demagogues They form your opinion with state controlled propaganda Bow down to the demagogues They discredit opposition with disinformation Bow down to the demagogues They spy on you in the name of manufactured paranoia Bow down to the demagogues They imprison subversives to set an example When fascism comes to America It will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross As fascism takes root in America It is welcomed by the sound of thunderous applause Bow down to the demagogues They embrace Christianity to exploit childlike naivety SongtexteBow down to the demagogues They invoke morality to justify discrimination Bow down to the demagogues They disregard the laws that keep you in line Bow down to the demagogues They appeal to your patriotism to blindly follow When fascism comes to America It will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross As fascism takes root in America It is welcomed by the sound of thunderous applause Aus Songtexte Mania