Wendy McNeill

Everyday Heroes
Air thick with history tourists and chicory Buildings are gorgeous shells of what used to be I'm looking for something beyond architecture Something bold and daring that's when I met her She worships the maiden of the French quarter Same look on her face as Joan six centuries before her She's a poet, a Mother, a fighter, a freak A tacky renegade in Mardi Gras beads An everyday hero Stumbling away Every day hero Makes me say Fierce eyed beauty you're so brave Wish you fortune wish you grace An eight year old busker is tapping away Hopes his feet will carry him to New York someday He's the youngest of six and his momma prays That he'll be her savior her little lamb An everyday hero Making a wage Everyday hero SongtexteMakes me say Fresh faced beauty you're so brave Wish you fortune wish you fame Three cheers for everyday heroes hey hey hey Three cheers for everyday heroes hey hey hey Three cheers for everyday heroes hey hey hey In a city settled by artists and thieves And others that fit in that category I can't say much about it cuz I didn't stay long Took a New Orleans left before I knew it the day was gone Filled with everyday heroes filled with everyday heroes hey hey hey... Aus Songtexte Mania