Andrew W.K.

Annihilate Annihilate Annihilate Turn me to dust Regenerate Regenerate Regenerate Harness my lust The sanctified whore The goddess of war Creation unfurled Gave birth to the world The lover of chaos and strife The crystallized tome The infinite womb The blood of her veins The cup and the reins Spilling the elixir of lifе Babalon Persephone Pеrsephone Persephone To err is divine SongtexteBring peace to me Bring ecstasy Sing unto thee Woman enshrined O Babalon O Babalon O Babalon Feed me your wine Destroyer of form Unleashing the storm With eternity's kiss She guards the abyss Slicing the self like a knife The slayer of mind The queen of mankind The daughter adored The feminine lord The virgin, the mother, the wife Babalon Babalon O Babalon Ah! Aus Songtexte Mania