Butthole Surfers

22 Going On 23
Woman: I enjoy your show and I've been trying to get through for quite a while. Man: Well, We're glad you kept trying Woman: Thank you. Umm. I have this problem. Last July, I was assaulted...sexually, and ever since then, I cannot sleep. I've been having trouble sleeping. Man: How old are you? Woman: I'm 22 going on 23 Montage: Medicine...Counseling...Anxiety...Sleep Programming ..Medicine...Sleep Problems.. Psychiatry...Depression... ..Anxiety...Counseling...Medicine...Sleep Programming..."I cannot sleep"...Depression...Anxiety...(etc.) Woman: Well, they told me, when I have these bad dreams, to try and put endings on the..the dreams, like I come out a winner. But everytime I try to do that, umm.. I just can't get anywhere. It seems that I keep having the same dream over and over again. I had one of those tonight, and this is why I'm up so late. ... ... Different Woman: And I watch one soap opera a day. And if he happens to walk in the house, I'm paranoid. SongtexteI just jump up and turn off the TV. Because he says, "Is that all you've got to do all day, just sit around and watch TV?" And I love to travel, so I've mentioned traveling to him. And finances are no problem. But he says that he did all the traveling that he wanted to do while he was in the service. Aus Songtexte Mania