Ramona Falls
Diamond Shovel
Let's dig a hole with a diamond shovelWe can take turnsBeyond the graves, the wells and PompeiisExcavatorsWe can boreThrough the floorTo exploreTowards the coreLower and lowerWhat are we waiting forStep through the teeth of the caveThey don't biteJust then our eyes will adjustTo no lightAs long as our canary singsWe'll be safeSo let's be on our wayWe'll watch as moles dig secrets and holesFurry expertsDinosaur bones and rare, precious stonesBuried in earthWe were forged inSongtexteThe explosionBelow oceanOf emotionLiquid moltenMagic potionLet's not let up til we findThe heart of heartsWe'll know that we're close when we feelWeightlessness startHalfway between north and southFloat in the darkI'll race you to the top
Aus Songtexte Mania